Guide to Finding a Hidden Camera Using Android Camera
Whenever you noticed that you are being captured through a hidden camera in your space or house, no worries just detect it using your Android phone. However, the Android camera is one of the handiest tools for identifying certain kinds of surveillance utensils or equipment. This method of detecting hidden camera is not that much perfect magnetometer sensor Android phone’s camera to find hidden microphones, camera or other devices which are used for capturing you. Below we discuss how to find a hidden camera by using an Android camera easily. The procedure is quite simple and easy.
Steps to Find a Hidden Camera Using Android Camera
Do you know hidden cameras release IR which is abbreviated as infrared radiation light that usually not noticeable to the naked eye? But the Android phone camera lens will easily recognize that infrared light only is someone hold their Android camera very close. Therefore, whenever you find a hidden camera that produces infrared radiations, it will automatically appear on the display of your camera as in bright white shade. Here are some simple steps which help you in finding the hidden cameras with the use of the Android camera or phone. But to avoid trouble, we suggest you follow the steps in the same sequence as mentioned below.
- Firstly, start your Android phone’s camera application.
- Now, move in the private area and rooms of your house and indicate your phone’s camera in those areas where you suspect that spy or surveillance utensils is hidden.
- Once you spotted some tiny, bright-white light, immediately drop down your phone and properly investigate that device. It might be a hidden camera which is hidden by someone who wants to spy your activities.
Steps to Find Hidden Cameras Using Scanning Wi-Fi
Probably, it may happen that some inferior-end detective cameras and other surveillance devices to display up in the list of scanning Wi-Fi connections. Before doing anything, we recommend you to refresh your Wi-Fi network and search for any unusual-looking connections or devices. Here we illustrate some simple steps which help you in easily finding the hidden cameras using scanning Wi-Fi. Know how:
- Click on the ‘Settings’ option to open it.
- Choose ‘Network & Internet’ option.
- Click on the ‘Wi-Fi’ option.
- Now, navigate around the room and check your nearby Wi-Fi networks list.
- Finally, all you need to do.
Steps to Find Hidden Cameras by Android App
In order to find hidden cameras in your place by using the Glint Finder Android app. It is one of the best android application that supports Android 2.3 and up versions and totally free for users. However, it is a non-interfering hidden camera finder app that amazingly works with your devices and magnetometer sensor and suitably works with your camera. Moreover, this application will automatically adjust the flash rate and cycle to locate IR light in your house or private places. Here how to find it:
- Download ‘Glint Finder’ app from the ‘Play Store.’
- Click on ‘Install’ tab to install it.
- Once successfully installed, click to launch it.
- After that, hit the ‘Allow’ option and permit the app to use your phone camera.
- Again, press the ‘Allow’ tab to permit to access the location of your device easily.
- Now, click on the ‘Magnetometer scanning’ option.
- Go around the house or suspected areas, in case if the hidden camera and another surveillance device close to your phone cameras, it will show it on your camera’s screen.
- Click on the ‘Detect Infrared Scanning’ located on the app’s main screen.
- Now, a disclaimer dialog will appear on the screen, press the ‘I Agree’ tab to accept the terms and conditions.
- Cautiously move your phone’s camera around the areas to get spy devices.
Edward Lewis is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Edward has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as
Source : Guide to Finding a Hidden Camera Using Android Camera