Horrorfield: Tips and Strategies for Beating the Game
Horrorfield is a multiplayer action-based horror survival game. In this game, you can play with your friends in real time. The goal of the survivors is to team up, strategize and escape the place whether the psycho reins. If you play this game or are thinking of playing it, then here are some tips and strategies to help you master Horrrorfield.
- Pay Attention to your Heartbeat
It can get hard to ascertain the location of the psycho when you do not have access to a mini-map. Also, the camera will follow you. But, the game does provide a clue that signals threat. When the psycho is near you, your heart will start pounding faster. Hence, make sure that the game’s volume is set on maximum and use good headsets or speakers for listening to your heartbeat. This you help you in tracking the killer. When your heart starts to beat very fast, then just escape quickly.
- Fix Generators in Groups
If you are repairing the generator by yourself, then it will take longer as compared to when two or more people fix it. Since in this game you are running against time, you need to ensure that your team repairs the generator together. Whenever you notice any survivor fixing the generator, then help them repair it quickly. Just hold down the icon located at the top of the generator for repairing it.
Similarly, when it comes to opening locked gates, it can be done quickly when more than survivors open it together. The same applied to heal wounds.
- Level up the Character
When you level up the character, your key statistics increase. This makes your character’s speed increase as well. Some more stats that become better are engineering, vitality, morale, and dexterity. The four versus one matches shall enable you to win silver. Moreover, you should also take the free gifts given in “Daily Gifts.” In order to get more silver, you need to fix more generators.
- Visit the Buildings
For escaping the psycho, you can take temporary shelter in buildings. You will notice that each building will have a different door. Some door will be more difficult to break. To buy yourself some time, stay aware of the wooden doors as they can be broken easily.
It is better to hide in a building that comes with a metal door, as they are harder to break. When the psycho is trying to break it, you can run away. Moreover, do not stay in any building for long. When the Psycho bangs the door, you have the option to go to a different room. However, in case your speed is less, then you will get trapped.
- Be Well Equipped
You can keep up to four items with yourself. It is better to keep a lock-pick as it will come handy when the Psycho catches and cages you. Moreover, keep the energy drink as it will come handy in increasing your speed when you are being chased by the psycho.
- Follow Trails
Trails are left behind by the game survivors. Only the killer can see the trails. The trails vanish in some time. Hence whenever you see a trail, do not waste your time and follow it as soon as possible. Your character speed will get improved when you are following other survivor’s trail.
Edward Lewis is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup.
Source : Horrorfield: Tips and Strategies for Beating the Game