How to Search, Download and Use Google Fonts
Tired of writing and creating documents with the same regular fonts? Choose from hundreds of font families, write your documents, and create your website with the font style you want. These fonts can be used in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides as well as in Chrome. Google has made Google Fonts library available with around thousands of Font families in more than 130 languages that anyone can use on their website without any issue. Moreover, Google Fonts can be easily searched, downloaded, and used. If you also want to change your old fonts with some new ones, then here is how to search, download, and use Google Fonts.
Steps to Search Google Fonts
Google Fonts has a large library of different types and languages of fonts; thus choosing from them could be a little hard. There is a way to find the right font in no time for you; just decide the language, categories, and font features before beginning your search. After deciding your choice, do the following.
1. Launch ‘Google Chrome’ on your system. If you don’t have a Chrome browser, then you can use any browser you have.
2. Now, go to the Google Fonts website, “”
3. Click the ‘Search Fonts’ field near the top of the page to find a font you already knows the name. The website will start displaying the fonts from Google Fonts library as you type.
4. Below the search bar, you’ll see three dropdown button with a red downward facing arrow, Categories, Language, and Thickness.
· Categories: Click on the ‘Categories’ dropdown to filter the fonts by the categories. The font category you’re searching for should be checked
· Language: The most effective way to filter the fonts, just open the dropdown and choose the language you want to get the fonts for.
· Font Properties: Use this dropdown to filter the fonts with the properties, like Thickness, Width, Slant, and Number of styles.
5. When you get a font that you want to use, click on the font name to see additional styles of the font, such as size, bold, italic.
6. Click on ‘SELECT THIS FONT’ text if you want to download the font.
Steps to Use Google Fonts
Once the fonts will be added to the Family Selected pop-up. You can open, select, and use the font in your website. There you’ll also get the complete guide about how to use Google fonts into a website.
· Click the ‘Share’ icon in the pop-up box to use that font on your website.
Steps to download Google Fonts
Although, after adding a font to the Family Selected pop-up, you can load them quickly to the websites. But, you may also want to add them to your device and use it. Google makes the fonts to easily download and use in various apps that support fonts, such as Adobe and MS Office applications. Here is how to download and use the Google Fonts on your computer.
1. Find the font you want to add to your system.
2. Select the font to add into Family Selected pop-up. You can select as many as the font you want to download to your system.
3. Go to the ‘Family Selected’ section and open it.
4. Then, click on the ‘Download’ near the upper right side corner to download the fonts.
A ZIP folder will be downloaded to your device storage that has all your selected font.
5. Open the Fonts ZIP file to view your downloaded fonts.
6. Open the font style you want to add to your system and use in your documents.
7. Then, click the ‘Install’ button.
The Google fonts will be installed to your system, and now you can use them to write your documents.
Graccey Leio is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at