How to Speed Up Downloads on Safari
In case you spend most of the time browsing in Safari and you have not deleted your cache and history from a long time, then you need to do it so that your Safari browser work faster. Here you will find many reasons and solutions for the slow performance of your Safari browser. Just follow the instructions given below to speed up downloads on Safari.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by cleaning your cache
Each time you open a new page and each time you visit on any website which changes its content regularly, then Safari browser downloads more details into the cache folder. If you notice that the Safari browser is working slow on your device, then this means it is time to speed up your browser by cleaning all the cache store on your browser.
• Go to the Safari internet browser.
• Press on the Safari option located in the menu box.
• After that, choose the Preferences option.
• Choose the Advanced option.
• Click on the Show Develop option located in the menu box.
• Choose the Develop URL given in the menu box.
• After that, choose the Empty Caches option.
You need to do this procedure once in a month in case you use Safari internet browser most of the time or if it is working slow.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by turning off the extensions
• Launch the Safari browser.
• Choose the Develop option.
• Click on the Disable Extensions option.
• This option will turn off all the extensions which are operating in Safari browser to check in case there is anything which is slowing down the browser.
• In case the Safari browser is again working faster, then you can turn on the Extensions again.
• Press on the Safari option.
• After that, click on the Preferences option.
• Go to the Extensions window.
• Remove an extension which you are not using on Safari browser.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by controlling the plug-ins
• Press on the Safari browser.
• Click on the Help option.
• Press on the Plug-ins which are installed on the device already.
• Choose the plug-ins option which you do not use and remove them.
• Press on the Safari option.
• Choose the Preferences option.
• Choose the Security option.
• Choose the Plug-in settings option.
• You can disable plug-ins for a particular website.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by changing the DNS servers
• Check the DNS options through the Google Namebench option.
• Go to the System Preferences option.
• Choose the Network option.
• Click on the Advanced button.
• Choose the DNS option.
• Click on the plus symbol given under the left-hand side of the panel.
• Now, you need to enter the IP addresses which are fastest and after that, press on the OK button.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by removing the history
• Launch the Safari browsing application.
• Choose the History tab.
• Press on the Clear History option.
• Choose the duration for removing the history and after that, click on the OK button.
Steps to speed up downloads on Safari by changing your network order
• Choose the System Preferences option by going to the Dock.
• Choose the network option.
• Go through the network drop-down list given in the left-hand side of the panel.
• Underline the network you are not required.
• Press on the small minus symbol located at the end of the panel.
• Choose the small gear symbol.
• Select the Sort Service Order option.
Edward Lewis is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at
Source : How to Speed Up Downloads on Safari