How to use the Up Next feature in Music app on iPhone
Up Next feature let the user hear the music they want. The old version of Now playing has changed, with the new Now play in the newer version of Apple’s Music app. You can quickly load tracks from either a playlist or album to listen to it right now. Hereabouts what you need and how to use the Up Next feature of the Music app.
If you want to use the new Music app of Apple, then your device should be running on iOS 8.4 and more recent.
How to add the music to Up Next from anywhere
It is easy to add the tracks, albums, and playlists to Up Next from anywhere and anytime. Just browse and select your favorite music, rest leave on the below steps.
1. Browse to the music you want to add and play Up Next.
2. Tap the ‘More option’ […] icon of the item.
3. Tap ‘Play Next’ in the menu to add and play the track before Up Next.
4. Or tap ‘Add to Up Next’ to add a track to the end of the list.
How to play music out of the Up Next without disturbing your Up next queue
Do you want to listen to a track or recording immediately without adding it to the Up Next? Don’t worry you can play the content anytime and also without losing your Up Next queue. You can listen to any of the tracks, albums, and playlist easily and immediately.
1. Browse the track you want to play Up Next.
2. Tap on the track you want to play right away.
3. Tap on ‘Keep Up Next’ to preserve your Up Next queue.
Your selected track, playlist or album starts playing. When it will finish the Up Next list will start playing.
How to clear Up Next
You can clear an Up Next queue anytime when you’re done with it or want to remove the music from it. If you want to erase everything from Up Next then here is how.
1. Find a track, playlist or album.
2. Tap on a track to play it.
3. Tap ‘Clear Up Next’ from the prompted menu.
The track, playlist, or album you’ve selected will begin playing, and your Up Next queue will clear.
How to view Up Next queue
You can check the tracks queued in your Up Next anytime when you want, just open the “Now Playing” screen.
1. Locate to the Mini player. It is just above the bottom toolbar.
2. Tap on ‘Track info’ button to view the Now Playing screen.
3. Tap the ‘Up Next’ button.
4. And tap ‘Done’ to go back to the Now Playing.
That’s it! Here you can manage your Up Next queue. Tap ‘Done’ at the top to exit from Up Next screen.
How to browse and view your Up Next history
If you just want to check and remember the item you played, or if you like a song a lot and want to listen to it again then with the below steps you can check your Up Next history.
1. Locate to the ‘Up Next’ screen.
2. Swipe down to open Up Next history.
3. Find and tap on a track you want to listen to again.
4. Then tap ‘Done.’
How to add tracks to the Up Next
From the Up Next screen, you can add more tracks to your queue. Here is how.
1. Locate to the ‘Up Next’ screen.
2. Tap ‘Add’ near the top.
3. Browse and find the track to add.
4. Tap the ‘+’ button of the track, playlist, or album you want to add.
5. Keep doing to add more tracks.
How to remove tracks from Up Next
If you want to erase songs from Up Next then it is east, here is how.
1. Locate to the ‘Up Next’ screen.
2. Find the track you want to remove from the queue.
3. Swipe left the track to reveal the remove button.
4. You’ll see a red color ‘Remove’ button, tap on it.
5. Find the more tracks you want to remove.
6. And repeat the process.
That’s it!
Edward lewis is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at
Source : Music app on iPhone